What to Do If Injured in a Vehicle Accident


Driving is a big responsibility, but no matter how defensive your driving is or how good your skills may be, it’s always possible you’ll get yourself into an accident, whether it’s your fault or someone else’s. Sometimes an accident can be a minor fender bender that just creates some small aesthetic damage. However, there are other times when the vehicle accident can result in injury, whether minor or more serious. If you are ever injured in a car accident, it’s important to understand what to do, and the following tips will help.

Stay at the scene

The very first thing you must do is stay at the scene where the accident occurred. Doing so allows the first responders to provide a more accurate detail of what actually happened, and this information is what helps insurance companies decide how to move forward. Never leave the scene of the accident, especially if you’re injured.

Don’t admit fault


Deciding fault is up to the first responders and the insurance companies, so don’t admit fault after the accident has occurred. Instead, just keep your thoughts to yourself but be sure to give first responders or other professionals an accurate and detailed description of what you believe happened to cause the accident.

Call first responders

After the accident occurs and if you’re physically able to do so, it’s important to contact first responders. Dispatch will likely ask you if you’re hurt, so be sure to answer them honestly. Even if it’s something small, telling dispatch will ensure you get the help on scene you need. When the first responders arrive, be sure to tell them exactly what happened and discuss any injuries you may have sustained. Even if something seems like it only hurts a little, it’s better to have it checked out because chances are the pain could start to flare up later.

Seek medical attention

Depending on the severity of your injury, you may be required to seek medical attention. This can go one of two ways. If your injuries are not that bad, you can have a friend or family member take you to the doctor or hospital. However, if your injuries are pretty serious, the first responders will take you to a hospital via ambulance so you can be diagnosed and treated. When you’re at the hospital, answer their questions honestly and be sure to get copies of any paperwork you may have regarding the treatment you received.

Get photos


Documenting your injuries on paper is one thing, but having a physical picture of your injuries is another. If you have scars, bruising, or any other type of injury that can be seen, be sure to take pictures. This will help your case in terms of having insurance cover the medical expenses or proving fault of the other driver. Be sure to label and date the pictures if you have them printed and keep them all together in a safe place.

Keep receipts and bills

If you receive receipts or bills from medical professionals or collision professionals, be sure to keep these documents in a safe place as well. Again, your insurance company (or the other driver’s insurance company) may ask for some of this documentation, so it’s very important to have it and to provide them with what they need in order to move forward with your case.

Follow your doctor’s orders

Once your doctor has diagnosed and treated your injuries, it’s important you follow their orders. For instance, if a doctor tells you that you cannot drive for a few weeks, then you absolutely cannot drive for a few weeks. Should you violate anything your doctor tells you, it could harm your case and ruin your chances for being compensated for your injuries and losses. Instead document everything your doctor says and then be sure to follow it precisely.

Hire a lawyer


Although you may not always need legal assistance when dealing with a vehicle accident injury, it often cannot hurt the situation. If you’re having trouble getting answers or you know the accident wasn’t your fault and the other person didn’t have car insurance, then hiring a lawyer is a good idea. In addition, you can also look for full-service accident companies. According to FastHelp.com, “Vehicle accidents have a lot of moving parts, and relying on one accident mitigation company work for you allows you to receive the right lawyer, medical attention, vehicle restoration, and cash advance you need to continue moving on.”

Vehicle accidents are never fun, especially when dealing with an injury. However, should you find yourself injured in an accident, these tips will certainly help.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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