Getting your car insurance sorted is just one of those life-admin events that you thankfully, only have to deal with every so often. As boring and as time-consuming as sorting out your insurance may sometimes seem – if you’re in Australia, click the link for more information on comprehensive car insurance from Qantas – it’s a legal requirement.
Your car needs to be insured for lots of reasons, the primary one being that if you’re in a crash, you’re financially protected and anyone else involved is also covered (depending on your policy). So, if something does go wrong it’s reassuring to know that you have insurance protection and you can focus on getting back on the road as soon as possible.
But, did you know that some of the most innocent and unassuming actions could leave you undermining your insurance policy? And ultimately, leave you without cover? Here we’ll explore what actions can invalidate your car insurance.
1. Withholding information
How you use your car and how much are vital pieces of information that your potential insurer needs to know. It’s important to be honest when you’re taking out a policy, however, if your life changes and you’re suddenly driving more miles or using your car as a business vehicle and you don’t declare these changes then you could be inadvertently invalidating your car insurance.
2. Modifications to your car
You might have cover for a standard, run of the mill vehicle however if you want to make modifications to your vehicle, particularly ones that impact the vehicle’s power or wheels then you need to declare them to your insurance provider. Changes to the exhaust system, the engine, your wheels and the bodywork need to be mentioned.
3. Your payment hasn’t gone through
Has the money for your insurance actually gone through? If the payment has bounced and the payment hasn’t been made then you’re not covered. Keeping on top of your finances each month will help you catch any errors or issues with important payments like your insurance.
4. Fronting
Fronting is a big problem, especially for parents who name themselves as the main driver on their child’s car. Parents often do this to try and get the lowest premiums possible and make driving much more affordable. Sadly, doing this can invalidate both parties’ insurance and land you in legal hot water – so it’s just not worth it!
5. Natural disasters
Bushfires, cyclones, lightning storms and floods all aren’t unusual in Australia and aren’t always covered by traditional insurance. Speak with your provider if you don’t want to get caught out.
6. Points and driving convictions
Speeding, drunk driving or dangerous driving – if you don’t declare any points or driving convictions when you apply for a policy and then go on to have an accident then your insurance is most likely invalid. Always be honest when applying for an insurance policy. That way you have peace of mind that you’re fully covered.
Those who try to reduce the cost of their premiums often end up inadvertently invalidating their insurance policy. Always be honest when you’re applying for an insurance policy!
Article Submitted By Community Writer