Be aware while riding Bikes! Here Are Tips To Drive Safely

It’s obvious that riding a motorcycle is more dangerous than riding in a car. One mistake by a driver of another car could cause a serious motorcycle accident injury. A mistake by the biker can also be deadly. For this reason, motorcycle riders have to be more aware than anyone else on the road is, as they are at the greatest risk. Relying on the safe driving of others is simply not prudent, so here are some tips to ride your motorcycle in the safest fashion possible.

Wear a Helmet
Wear a Helmet

Don’t Be Stupid, Wear a Helmet

People do look cooler when they are not wearing a helmet. But this couldn’t be a good reason as even a minor accident on a motorcycle without a helmet can end in death. Most states have laws that require these helmets but there are still a few that leave it up to the discretion of the rider. If nothing else convinces a rider to wear a helmet, then the following should. In the case of a serious accident, not wearing a helmet can lead to your casket being closed as you are too disfigured to have an open casket. Everyone looks better alive than dead, so wear a helmet regardless of the distance you are traveling.

Headphones Can Mean Death
Headphones Can Mean Death

Headphones Can Mean Death

Nobody who is riding a motorcycle or a car should wear headphones when driving. A part of driving is being able to hear the horns and other sounds around you. Taking out a sense that helps you drive is extremely dangerous. Couple this with the fact that many motorcycles have decent stereos to play at any speed and they are downright reckless. You do not need to listen to your favorite song while you are on the road as the sound of the bike and the wind of the open road should be enough.

Ride With Others Who Know What They Are Doing

Most bikers have another form of transportation when the weather is simply not cooperating on a certain day. Weekend riders are much safer as they can go out with other people who know what they are doing and are experienced riders. There is truly safety in numbers, as it is easy to miss a biker in a blind spot while driving a car but it is extremely difficult to miss a pack of bikers. Picking country roads is another great option, as your other motorcycle riders in the group can relax and simply enjoy riding.

Avoid Large Trucks
Avoid Large Trucks

Avoid Large Trucks

People who own very small cars know that passing a semi or large truck can lead to a gust of wind that nearly pushes the car into another lane. This is the same case or worse for motorcycle drivers and it can cause a biker to lose control of the bike, especially when it is coupled with other weather conditions. Avoiding these trucks is also important, as they might not be able to see a motorcycle in their blind spot. The large back tires of these trucks can also kick up rocks and other debris so avoid riding near the back of the truck. Passing on the right side should also be avoided at all costs as this is the largest blind spot a trucker has.

As you can see, there is plenty to worry about when riding a motorcycle but nothing can compare to the open road! Drive safely so you can get as much riding as you want in your lifetime!

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