Army green 309 Triceratops tractor is the weirdest thing on wheels

While we have introduced you with some of the wackiest creations so far, this one outshines them all. Look at its making and you just can’t help be appreciate the skilled hands behind this creation. This is one of the weirdest things on the wheels. The tractor is in the shape of a triceratops and bears the army green color.

What makes it entirely different from the other creations is the fact that the metal triceratops attached is fully functional as it can move its head in a neat way and open its mouth too. Alex ‘Wreckage’ Wright creates this weird machine for the Mutoid Waste Company and it was recently spotted in the streets of Shoreditch, London.

Unfortunately, we don’t have much information about the creation, but it’s nothing short of incredible. To know little more about triceratops tractor and see it up close, check out the video after the jump.

Via: Obviouswinner /Technabob

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