Drive Safe On Halloween: Tips To Avoid Trouble On The Roads

Drive Safe On Halloween

The upcoming Halloween celebrations around the nation bring several variables to the roads. The big night means thousands of children in the streets, running eagerly from house to house for that next morsel of candy. 

Random children flooding the streets doesn’t always make for the safest driving conditions, so it’s cool to brush up on some safety tips for the Halloween festivities. Here is a quick review of a few tips that will help you avoid trouble on the roads this October 31st.

Don’t drink and drive


We’re all adults here. Don’t drink and drive around when you know there will be tons of kids walking the streets. It’s ignorant to drink and drive in the first place, but at least have the decency to respect the lives of the kids.

Beyond the moral conviction, Halloween brings about roadblocks and an excess police force. Drinking and driving is asking for a DUI charge, so know a good lawyer if you choose to do such a thing.

Expect traffic and other delays

If you have kids, then you know that there are thousands of other parents who will be out driving their kids from neighborhood to neighborhood on Halloween night. Traffic is inevitable, so equip yourself with patience before leaving the house.

Halloween is the best time for block parties and festivals, so roadblocks and police presence is a certainty. Plan to leave ahead of schedule if you’re attempting to make it somewhere on time.

Put your mobile devices away

Put your mobile devices away

Texting and driving is a hazard any day of the year, but it’s even more dangerous on Halloween.  When there are kids running around everywhere, you can’t be caught staring at your cell phone.

It’s vital that you practice the utmost focus while driving around on Halloween. Kids are silly, and they don’t necessarily recognize the dangers present around them. Be the adult, and pay attention.

Don’t drive haphazardly around stopped vehicles

It may be annoying to you that vehicles continuously stop and go through neighborhood roads on Halloween, but maintain composure. Don’t fly around stopped vehicles to speed up your travel times.

There is almost always a kid walking around the stopped vehicle, and you don’t want to be the one responsible for their injury. Take your time driving through residential areas, and give stopped vehicles a chance to do their business.

Watch for random kids darting across the streets

Watch for random kids

It’s Halloween! Watch for kids! The likelihood of coming across a rogue child in the streets is high, so prepare yourself. Stay focused and clear-minded. Always drive with your headlight on (even if you don’t find it necessary), and be prepared to stop at a moment’s notice.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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