How to maintain your cars during summer

Due to heat, the summer season does not only affect human but also has a marked effect on your cars. In summers cars get heated and require proper attention as human beings require extra care during the season. Here are some tips following which you can keep your cars in good condition in hot summer season:

Checking Tire Pressure

Tyre pressure

It is necessary to check tire pressure frequently in summers. As you know, tires are the most highlighted parts of the car. When temperature changes tire pressure also changes. If excessive pressure exerts on the side walls of the tire is may burst. Over inflated tire does not make contact on the road. Therefore, you must keep extra tire has a good condition in the vehicle. You need to check tire pressure frequently using hand gauge or visit to the service station.


Check the fuel tank

The oil tank of the car can lead to leakage due to excessive heat. Therefore, timely check can help you to ensure this problem. Every time the tank should be clean on testing stick and at a sufficient level. Once you are about to check oil, drive your car for 15 minutes then turn off the car and let the oil drain onto an oil pan.


Clean air conditioning

In summers, with the rise in temperature the air conditioners may not work properly. It is necessary to check that air conditioner is working properly otherwise it can harm the one in the car due to excessive heat. After switching on the air conditioner if you see some cold vapors, you need to fix it as soon as possible.


Visit the service station

Due to high temperature, one faces several consequences of car’s problem during the summer season if lacks a frequent check. You can avoid these consequences if serviced the car timely at the service station. A service check helps you to find and fix the problems inside the car if exists. It increases fuel efficiency of the car.


Check the coolant and radiator

Driving whole day in summer can overheat your car due to busted fan belt and low coolant levels. Proper air flow is necessary across the car’s engine as it keep it cool. During the summers, one must regularly check coolant levels. The radiator needs to be flushed at least once in two years.


Your car care needs to be in tune with the season. All of the above tips will help your cars to run in all summer efficiently and avoid hassles in summer.

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