Taking a road trip is one of the best ways to spend quality time with your family. Whether you’re headed on vacation or dragging your kiddos with you to bunion surgery at a medical clinic a few states away, spending hours in the car with your loved ones is sure to bring you closer together. Although a family road trip can be fun, there is no denying that traveling for a long time with young children can be difficult. Spending a few hours in a small car with a whining toddler can be frustrating for everyone involved. If you’re planning a road trip this year, here are a few tips for keeping your toddlers under control.
1. Keep Kids Separate
If you are traveling with more than one toddler, keeping them as far apart from each other as possible is the key to ensuring that your trip goes smoothly. Often, one of the most frustrating parts of traveling with multiple young children is that eventually, they will start to fight. While fighting over something small might not be a big deal, being trapped in close quarters can turn your children’s fights into full-blown tantrums before you know it. To avoid this problem before it even begins, try to keep children as far apart as possible while in the car.
2. Leave Early
When your children sleep in the car, a road trip feels simple. Many parents find that the best time to leave for a road trip is around 3 or 4 in the morning. This will make it more likely for your children to sleep in the car for a few hours, allowing you to cover as much ground as possible before they wake up, and limiting the number of hours they spend cooped up and feeling restless in the car.
3. Bring Snacks
One of the most common reasons children find themselves feeling restless or upset during a road trip is hunger. Instead of stopping to purchase food or snacks every time your child feels hungry, keep a few of their favorite snacks stocked in the car to access whenever they need them. This will not only save you money on the cost of food but will keep your child’s needs at pay and prevent a hunger-fueled tantrum.
Article Submitted By Community Writer