Peugeot Voilier is a concept vehicle for Mars around 2080

With space agencies around the world joining forces to find molecular remains of past life and elements that can support life on the red planet, it is highly likely that race to colonize Mars may see a new impetus in the times to come. Keeping this thing in mind, Brazilian designer Guilherme Alexandre imagines a vehicle that can take people to the Mars.

The designer imagines a scenario in 2080 wherein the race for occupying the Mars will be on the zenith. He names the concept Peugeot Voilier and it generally focuses on the conceptual aspects, forms and esthetical appearance to take people off to the red planet.

The inspiration for Peugeot Voilier concept comes from the sailboats and it will fly in a similar way as a boat swims on the waters. The designer also keeps the environmental concerns on top priority. As a result, he uses the technologies and low cost material that will make the vehicle least harmful to the environment.

However, the design has great dimensions but will be a vehicle for rich a few with that high acquisitive power and desires to own a house on Mars. Peugeot Voilier will be able to carry four people at a time and features fin similar to dolphin fish.

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